Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kick it.

I am having the hardest time kicking Landon's kicking habit. 
Like I am seriously going nuts. 
He is 2 1/2 and kicks me or anything else when he is tired or mad. He knows how to say "I am tired." and "I am mad" so he knows how to verbally express how he is feeling, but right after he says that WHAM! a swift kick to my thigh or head or whatever else is near by. Ugh. 
Anyone have any tips on how to break this? 
I do not want to spank my children for everything. While I do believe in spanking, I don't think it should be used every time a child messes up. I think it should only be used for major crimes. With that being said, I will firmly tell him that "kicking isn't nice" and "I understand that you are mad, tired, upset but we don't allow kicking..."but he still continues. Driving me bonkers people. 

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